Church of Jesus in the Last Days. How can it exist?
11.10.2020 at 10.00 a.m.
Address: Kehrwiesen 9, 76356 Weingarten (Baden)
The signs of the times show us that we are far ahead in the end times and that the Second Coming of our LORD JESUS CHRIST is probably not far away.
How do we prepare for Jesus’ return? And how do we as individuals and as congregations get through the end-time turmoil and temptations?
Dr. Lothar Gassmann will provide guidance on these questions from the Bible.
To the speaker:
Dr. Lothar Gassmann, born in 1958 in Pforzheim, married to Anna, nee. Toews. They live in Pforzheim with their children Tabitha and Samuel.
Lothar Gassmann serves the Lord God as a preacher, teacher, evangelist and publicist. He wrote numerous Christian books, essays and songs on spiritual and theological topics.
Since 2009, he has been on staff at Christian Community Service (CGD) and is the editor of the quarterly magazine “The Narrow Path.” He is co-founder of the Free Bible Church Pforzheim and the Jeremiah Publishing House. He is also co-founder and 1st chairman of the Lukas-Schriftenmission and initiator of the working group “Wunder der Schöpfung” (Miracles of Creation) with the goal of establishing creation exhibitions in the German-speaking area. His motto is: “I know nothing but JESUS CHRIST crucified” (1 Corinthians 2:2).