Protect our children! Family mainstreaming instead of gender mainstreaming!
10.10.2020 at 7.00 pm
Address: Kehrwiesen 9, 76356 Weingarten (Baden)
A general attack on the souls of our children is underway. They are to be taken away from the parental home and exposed to influences of re-education that parents cannot dream of. The background lies in neo-Marxist reform pedagogy in connection with the movements of radical feminism and genderism.
To this end, it seeks to alienate children from their parents from an early age, highlighting alleged sexual needs and introducing them to all sexual deviancy.
It wants to destroy the traditional family, consisting of father, mother and children, and replace it with all kinds of so-called “alternative lifestyles” (which the Bible calls “sin”).
It seeks to undermine the authority of teachers and promote anti-authoritarian education. In practice, anti-authoritarian education has never worked, but has plunged children and young people into chaos, despair, depression and drug misery.
It wants to undermine the authority of God and His representatives in churches. It wants to influence the media (radio, television, Internet). In the meantime, the neo-Marxist system changers have largely succeeded in doing that, too.
Here, what the Bible has predicted for the end times is being fulfilled before our eyes. The man of lawlessness, the Antichrist, is active in his numerous precursors (2 Thessalonians 2; Matthew 24 and others). He disregards all the commandments of God and will perish in his apparent freedom. Disregarding God’s authority is sin, separates from God and leads into freedom-destroying bonds. The Bible, on the other hand, teaches to honor parents, for the children’s own blessing (Exodus 20:12).
How can we protect ourselves and our children from these threatening developments? How can we educate them in the firm Christian faith? The lecture by the theologian, author and family man Dr. Lothar Gassmann from Pforzheim provides assistance in this regard.
To the speaker:
Dr. Lothar Gassmann, born in 1958 in Pforzheim, married to Anna, nee. Toews. They live in Pforzheim with their children Tabitha and Samuel.
Lothar Gassmann serves the Lord God as a preacher, teacher, evangelist and publicist. He wrote numerous Christian books, essays and songs on spiritual and theological topics.
Since 2009, he has been on staff at Christian Community Service (CGD) and is the editor of the quarterly magazine “The Narrow Path.” He is co-founder of the Free Bible Church Pforzheim and the Jeremiah Publishing House. He is also co-founder and 1st chairman of the Lukas-Schriftenmission and initiator of the working group “Wunder der Schöpfung” (Miracles of Creation) with the goal of establishing creation exhibitions in the German-speaking area. His motto is: “I know nothing but JESUS CHRIST crucified” (1 Corinthians 2:2).